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Leading With Love

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Leading With Love 2024-02-01T21:43:55+00:00

Email: leadingwithlove@highline.edu
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The Leading with Love group was created to focus on building community here at Highline from the inside out through sharing innate talents and gifts, leading with love to empower and embrace our students, staff and community through sharing and engaging one another in Quality Time, Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Thoughtful Gifts and Respect for our differences.

Some of you may recognize these as the 5 Love Languages that were developed by Gary Chapman. These have been used over the years by counselors all over the world and have evolved to include many different variations such as “for singles, “for military,” “for children,” “for teens,” and in our case here at Highline “in the work place.” Our hope is that everyone at Highline College, can better understand the different ways in which we express and receive love. We sincerely believe that this understanding will help build the capacity to strengthen what we are doing well, create stronger bonds as a team/family, and strengthen Highline’s commitment to excellence and integrity, increasing our capacity to grow and develop as a community with intention, purpose, and love.

Please take a moment to check out this link and take the short quiz and discover what your love language is.

One of the most exciting features of the Leading with Love group is what we have lovingly called, Friday Night Lights! Thus far, we have had uplifting lectures, zumba sessions, and cooking lessons just to name a few! We want to not only share these fun adventures with you but we want you to lead them. If you have some ideas (some in the making include spoken word sessions and workouts with private trainers!) that you would like to share with our amazing campus please let us know by filling out the Google Form.

The Leading With Love Leaders